Tells the story of more than 100 years of auto racing in Maine, and illustrates the character of the Maine race driver. This film features interviews with drivers who raced on dirt in the 1950s, as well as 2nd & 3rd generation racers who are still competing today.
SPEEDWAY MAINE features current footage from around the state, and also showcases scarcely seen footage from the 1940s through the 1990s.
Interviews with Mike Rowe, Andy Santerre, Ralph Cusack, Dale Chadbourne, Pete Silva, Kyle Readwell, Wyatt Alexander, and many more not only shed light on the passion and skill involved in racing, but also illustrates the family foundation that racing is built upon; all the while uncovering the purely addictive qualities of short track racing in Maine. Film & Music by SUMNER MCKANE
105 minutes